Friday, August 6, 2010

One-Arm Side Pushups

One-Arm Side Pushups this aong with fat burning HIIT will get rid of arm jiggle

Weight Loss Tips

Other than the affect that excess weight gain has on our physical appearance it can also affect a person in many other ways as well. Such as quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical limitations. There are a lot of positive changes that weight loss can achieve and numerous reasons that a lot of people are searching for any type weight loss technique that might help them.

Before starting any weight loss plan a person should get a clean bill of health from their healthcare provider. To lose weight efficiently there are certain things that will have to change: What you eat, When you eat, How you eat, and your daily activity levels.

Here are some tips that can help you shed those excess pounds:

1. To lose weight you have to have the right mindset, exercise plan, eating plan and in some cases, diet supplements.

2. Your goals have to be realistic. Unrealistic goals will only frustrate you and cause you to give up when you are unable to achieve them quickly. The good news is that ANYONE can totally reshape their body. If you want a rounder and tighter is possible. If you want to get rid of arm is possible. You just have to stay consistent and give your body time to transform!

3. Listen to your body. Each person's body is different. Your body and metabolism will react differently than someone else's body. You can try different programs but make sure to give each one enough time to work. 4-6 weeks should be enough time to tell if it is the program for you. (but this technique will only work if you are REALLY sticking to the program)

The amount of exercise starting out will be different for everyone....initially. If walking is all you can do, then walk until you increase your body's stamina. Then move up to brisk walking, then a slow jog, etc. But it is important to have some form of activity.

4. Eat smaller meals more often. 5-6 small meals throughout the day is better than 2-3 huge meals. NEVER deprive your body of food.

5. Eat "clean" food. Natural is always best.

6. Stay away from fried food. There are many ways to prepare food without frying it.

7. Drink a lot of water. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day will keep your body well hydrated and will aid your body in metabolizing fat more efficiently.

8. Again, NEVER deprive your body of food. (or water)

9. Find something that will help keep you motivated. A picture of what you want to look like. A picture of what you currently look like. A motivational statement taped to your fridge. A reminder of the consequences that excess weight has on your health. ANYTHING that will help keep you motivated and on track.

The main key to weight loss is consistency. If you modify your eating and add daily activity, over time you will see results....just stay at it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

 5 Foods that FIGHT Abdominal Fat

Check out the FREE presentation for:
  • Surprising foods (that you thought were unhealthy) that actually assist the fat-burning process in your body
  • 3 Foods marketed as "healthy" that actually increase your stomach fat... stay FAR away from these!
  • Weird workouts (scientifically-based) that burn belly fat faster than typical cardio
Click Below for your FREE presentation

Truth About Abs- 5 Foods that FIGHT Abdominal Fat   <== Click Here

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Friday, July 30, 2010

HIIT Explained

Definition: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a form of cardio which is beneficial to burning fat in a short and intense workout. Typical HIIT workouts vary from 9–20 minutes.

It is proven to burn 9 TIMES more fat than regular cardio (steady state cardio), in less time!

To get the same (fat burning) benefits of 2.5 hours a week of HIIT you would have to do 10.5 hours of steady state cardio. Your present fitness level will determine how you reach the required intensity.

It may mean alternating between a moderate walking pace and a brisk pace just as long as you are able to hit the right intensity level to produce the benefits.